Owncloud-CEPH Recipe updated with Nextcloud using native CEPH-S3 as primary storage backend

Hi there people,

I just updated my last recipe (the one using CEPH with Owncloud) with a section dedicated to NEXTCLOUD using CEPH-S3 as primary storage backend. You can find the recipe in the “misc” section of my site (http://tigerlinux.github.com) or at the following URL:

One of the main differences between Owncloud and Nextcloud is the features. While some Owncloud features are restricted to the “Enterprise/Commercial” version, Nextcloud features are completely available right out of the box in the freely downloadable version. One of those very important features is the capability to use AWS-S3/CEPH-S3 as “PRIMARY” storage backend.

Owncloud server using CEPH-RBD and CEPH-S3 storage.

Hi there people,

This time, and interesting recipe combining Owncloud and CEPH. In this new I.T. recipe, we’ll deploy a 3-node, 6-OSD CEPH Cluster (Jewell) on Centos 7, and make it available for primary backing storage (ceph-rbd) and external additional storage (ceph-s3) in a Owncloud 9 server.

The recipe:

LAB: Owncloud server using CEPH-RBD and CEPH-S3 storage.

How you people enjoy this one.

OpenStack MITAKA With a CEPH Cluster Storage Backend

Good morning people and happy weekend to all !

This time I published a new LAB (that you can easily convert into production) with OpenStack MITAKA and CEPH (Jewel) Cluster as storage backend for Glance, Cinder, Cinder-Backups and Nova Instances ephemeral storage.

CEPH has become the most used storage solution for medium and big OpenStack-based deployments. In this recipe, you’ll learn the basics of a CEPH Cluster construction, and, how to use that cluster in an OpenStack based cloud.

Enjoy guys-and-gals !!.